A family house 12.

Decorative forged bars on the windows of a family house
Forged decorative bars on the windows

Grilles on the windows of a family house made in the Atelier of Artistic Smithcraft UKOVMI

Forged screen for flowering climbers at the garden entrance

Forged gate by UKOVMI crafted for a family house

High quality forged gate as part of the family house fencing

General view of the family house - forged gates and window grilles

Forged decorative gate

High quality decorative grilles by UKOVMI on the windows for a family house

Interior staircase railing in a family home – forged railing

Forged staircase railing and handle in the interior of a family home – high quality railing

Forged decorative railing for a gallery – interior railing

Detail of an interior staircase railing – forged railing by UKOVMI